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Monday - Friday: 9am-5.00pm

We have a dedicated website for our

Our latest book out on travelling across the USA cheaply and efficiently. 

A range of Electronic and Paperback books are available through our own publishing branch. The subjects are related to Astronomy, Spaceflight, space related touring and later to expand with Green Issues, Economics and Energy Production. Each book has associated web pages for internet links and updates.

E-Books don't take up any room at home, nor use up materials. They include internet links, YouTube clips etc. Most of our books are updated at least twice a year.

Book sales normally support four charities; Smile Milawi Orphanage, our Hedgehog Sanctuary, Swale Wildlife Rescue, and Cancer Research UK. The books are available from Amazon or signed copies from here (a little cheaper too). 

All royalties are currently being donated to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal... plus twice the value from my own funds (if I gain £40 in royalties a month, I send £120). The original four charities still receive a monthly donation.

To purchase any paperback direct; Message us first from the home page form. Cheque or Postal Order made payable to P. Bassett, send to 92 North Street, Sittingbourne, Kent UK ME10 2HH. We can accept Paypal or BACS payments now. Include a note if the book/s require a dedication. They will all be signed. Please include an address to send it to. Or order direct from Amazon by clicking on the picture of each book via ; it will take you to the Amazon site. Please do email first for the latest price / in stock confirmation etc, especially if ordering several books as we can discount the postage etc.

Roadshow books